

Direct yet conceptual. Provocative and engaging. Design & illustration for brands, publications, and people.

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Hi, I’m Casey.

I was always interested in Art at school, always drawing and doodling in the margins of my books and have been lucky enough to be able to turn my passion into a career, and have been practicing graphic design for over 15 years now.

I wasn’t always sure what I wanted to do with my life after school, so I joined the Navy to get a bit of life experience while I worked it out. After a couple of years I realised that design was my passion, so I left the Navy to study a Bachelor of Design.

Fast forward 15 years, and I’m now the Senior Graphic Designer at Battlefront Miniatures, where we make the popular Flames Of War and World War III: Team Yankee miniatures games. Here I am involved in everything from designing books, packaging, advertising, to taking the photos that appear in our publications, as well as directing and mentoring junior members of our team. Recently we have also started making licensed boardgames for well known properties like Dune and  Doctor Who.

Outside of work I am actively involved in our painting and wargaming hobby, which helps me engage with our gaming community and feeds back into my work. I’ve also recently taken up photography as a hobby in my spare time.


Game Designer at Future Pasttimes

"Casey strikes a terrific balance of form and function, bringing the thematics to life without sacrificing game play. I've enjoyed working with Casey on multiple projects, as he takes designs and concepts I was pretty happy with and reinvents them, improving the content in every measurable way. He understands the end-user's needs as much as the designer's goals, and marries the two worlds seamlessly."



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